San Diego, CA – The San Diego entrepreneur group, Bootstrappers Breakfast ( pours the first cup of coffee at 7:30am on the last Friday of every month. The next gathering for entrepreneurs who enjoy “eating problems for breakfast.” is Friday, April 27 at 7:30 a.m. at Coco’s Restaurant and Bakery (4280 Nobel Dr).
Attendees, all with an enterpreneureal streak, discuss innovative ways to operate more efficiently, gain revenue and reach company goals for their businesses. Attendees range from serial entrepreneurs to innovative professionals looking for co-founders.
The roundtable meetings are moderated by Mark Fitchmun, founding partner principal of Somatek who is excited to foster technology entrepreneurship and to facilitate serious discussions of ideas and resources. Under Mark’s leadership, the group has attracted a large number of members from startups in the biotechnology and life sciences industries.
Past attendees have said:
- “This is one networking event that I try to never miss. It is relaxed and fun and I always learn something.”
- “Good mix of business experience with technical know-how and eager new entrepreneurs.”
Bootstrappers Breakfast is excited to be apart of the thriving San Diego startup scene. Bootstrappers Breakfast with roots in Silicon Valley since 2005 and has since expanded nationwide. The cost for attending is $5 in advance or $10 at the door. For more information about Bootstrappers Breakfast visit