Celebrating Startups

Celebrating Startup Wins 2021

Small wins for our startups!

OpenSensors – a startup to watch – Congrats @yoditstanton

2021’s coolest UK female founders making huge impact in tech

direct link: https://www.uktech.news/news/2021s-coolest-uk-female-founders-20210305

A startup to watch – Beanie Sleeper



Reviews/interviews happened in the last two weeks


We celebrate with Amelia Lin, Founder and CEO of Saga: Save Family Memories, as she got her first paying customer, built her team, figured effective marketing channels, and now as she gets funding. Congrats!


Amelia talked about learning fast at a Bootstrappers Breakfast meeting in 2019 at https://bootstrappersbreakfast.com/2019/05/17/amelia-lin-on-learning-fast-going-from-zero-to-first-paid-customer-in-12-weeks/

Image source: https://www.123rf.com/profile_jossdiim/

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