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Ryan Allard: My First Bootstrapper Breakfast

A short excerpt from a longer article by Ryan Allard where he describes the benefits of attending a Bootstrappers Breakfast.

Ryan Allard: My First Bootstrapper Breakfast

The following is an edited excerpt from an article by Ryan Allard on IndieHackers.

I attended an online Bootstrapper Breakfast (https://bootstrappersbreakfast.com/) recently and found it so valuable that I wanted to share with you my experience. I had a notion that these kinds of community meetings were nice, but I got way more value than I had expected.

Sean Murphy was the facilitator and he was very knowledgeable. I took away resources to look into, ideas for getting to market and growing and we brainstormed some very concrete ideas some of which we’re already implementing. I took lots of notes.

Happy coffeeIAs an early stage founder, the event offered a great platform to practice explaining and communicating our business to an outsider. This helps illustrate where our logic might be weak and what else we need to refine.

Online founder communities are great, but you do need some real time events (ideally face to face) to build your relationships that help your business. Some of these events should be face to face (Bootstrappers Breakfast has several face to face events too across the U.S.) as that’s the best way to build human relationships. Of course the efficiency of taking zoom calls can’t be beaten, but the strength of having an organic chat is unparalleled in the digital realm. No matter what, don’t go it alone.

Overall I found it valuable and plan to attend more of these kind of events.

Ryan Allard Co-Founder of RegenIntel

Regenerative Intelligence (RegenIntel) is a public benefit activation company accelerating humans to a planet positive species.

Image: “Happy Coffee” licensed from iStockPhoto

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