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2024: One Thing I Learned From Bootstrapper’s Breakfast

Often we ask attendees to tell us one thing they learned from this morning’s bootstrapper’s breakfast. Here’s a couple … and please add your own!

“Very pleasant atmosphere. A variety of backgrounds from the participants made for insightful contributions. I particularly appreciated the informal recommendations one-on-one between participants after the breakfast was over.”

“Wonderful experience for a just-arrived-potential-entrepreneur in Silicon Valley! Competent people discussing about real issues, definitely a terrific useful meeting. I learned a lot.”


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6 thoughts on “2024: One Thing I Learned From Bootstrapper’s Breakfast”

  1. The one good thing I learned today is I am not alone. There are amazing people out there such as Sean and Theresa who have been through what you are going through and are willing to give you advice to navigate the waters of entrepreneurship.

  2. I am a regular attendee, and at each meeting, I learn a tidbit to take away. I am giving a talk and got some advice as to a book to read on this subject before the talk, and another tidbit as to how to structure the talk with a beginning, middle, and end. ie Tell them to what you are going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them. I know this, but it helps to be reminded of this.

  3. I’ve participates in several Bootstrapper’s Breakfast meetings this year, and have been exposed to numerous useful ideas and techniques from Sean and Theresa as moderators. In addition, quite often the attendees enrich the event with their diverse and interesting endeavors and insights. The ideas span planning, marketing, business development, technical research, and survey methodologies. Since I’m the principal and operator of a small Silicon Valley software engineering firm, these meetings and the material addressed are almost always of significant value to me.

  4. I loved the raw honesty of all the people in the Bootstrappers Breakfast meetings. Their insights are extremely helpful for entrepreneurs and always provide really deep material for reflection. Fresh perspectives are so valuable. One thing I learned today is that it’s vital in presentations and pitches to always focus on others.

  5. This was my first Bootstrappers Breakfast. What struck me the most was how participants brought valuable ideas and solutions to each other’s hurdles despite being in completely different industries.

  6. I went to the last Bootstrapper Breakfast and I was amazed with everyone’s diverse experiences and insights on how they have navigated their bootstrapping journey. One thing I learned is how Sean always has blog posts and resources on back of his hand whenever you need it! Sean and Angie are excellent moderators!

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