What Makes A Start-Up Tick?

The key to any successful start-up is belief in your idea, a good execution plan and consistency. The single most important but often overlooked quality in any successful entrepreneur is consistency.

Here are some tips to help you maintain consistency in carrying out your tasks:

  • Prepare goals with timelines.
  • Make sure the timelines are realistic.
  • Write a to-do list for each day and prioritize it. One is likely to get more work done when they  have the checklist in writing.
  • Carry out tasks on your to-do list.
  • Combine tasks which are alike. Schedule time when you make all the phone calls, all emails, etc.
  • Focus on one task at a time. When working on one project, let your phone calls go to voice mail.
  • Share your goals and timelines with friends and family. You will more likely try and stick to them when you share them.

One of the most effective time management is having checklists for tasks that you do on a regular basis. Checklists for simple tasks can increase the quality of the end result to a great extent and lend consistency to what you do, a key attribute to running a business.

Here are samples for possible checklists you might want to have for your business.

Checklist For Writing and Publishing a New Blog Post

  1. Spellcheck
  2. Linkcheck
  3. Grammar Check
  4. Mention sources
  5. Title and Date
  6. Make sure the text is broken into paragraphs as appropriate

Checklist For Conferences You Wish To Speak At

  1. What is your motive to speak-marketing your product,service, gain credibility, etc
  2. Which area would be speak at or do you have the time and budget for? In california, on the east coast, etc
  3. Depending on your motive and the geography,shortlist conferences. Also make sure to look at topics spoken at the conferences and make sure they are in line with your strategy
  4. After shortlisting conferences, make sure you have the following data in a organized and sortable manner: Conference date, location, address, possible speaking topics, deadline to submit speaking proposals, contact name.
  5. Have a short bio of yourself and a picture
  6. Prepare a short para on the topics you wish to talk about

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