What are the meetings like?

The meeting format is as follows:

  1. Show up
  2. Order breakfast
  3. Round-the-table introductions and issues to discuss later
  4. Clarifying questions and discussion of issues raised by attendees
  5. Converse one-on-one afterwards

We like to keep the total count at each table to 6-12 just so everyone has a chance to interact over the course of a 90 minute discussion, so please RSVP.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many attendees are there usually per breakfast?

A: The number of attendees is usually between 6 to 12.  Attendance is capped to keep it conversational and avoid lecture mode.  From time to time we have guest attendees where you can pick their brains – they have a lightning talk of 3 to 4 minutes and then take an active part in the discussion.  Here are a couple of examples of guest attendees:  

  • http://www.bootstrappersbreakfast.com/blog/2008/05/22/debra-willret-inventor-of-macproject-at-july-15-breakfast-in-palo-alto/
  • http://www.bootstrappersbreakfast.com/blog/2008/02/24/len-sklar-on-the-check-is-not-in-the-mail-at-march-7-breakfast/
  • http://www.skmurphy.com/blog/2007/11/30/think-you-have-a-great-name-think-again/

Q: What do you talk about?

A: The attendees really drive the conversation and issues. All are welcome and we ask that you bring your business issues and struggles.  There is a high level of interaction and frank discussion.   

  • http://www.bootstrappersbreakfast.com/blog/2008/06/19/tips-for-entrepreneurs-gleaned-from-jan-may-2008-breakfasts/
  • http://www.bootstrappersbreakfast.com/blog/2008/04/15/one-thing-i-learned-from-todays-breakfast/

Q: What are there typical backgrounds and levels of experience?

A: Experience can vary from  people who have an idea and are thinking of starting a company to folks who are serial entrepreneurs.  Products are all stages of development: in development to production with 20000 customers. Companies have IPO to closed their doors with most being somewhere in between.  

  • http://www.skmurphy.com/blog/2008/01/25/founder-story-dave-stubenvoll-of-wowza-media-systems/
  • http://www.bootstrappersbreakfast.com/blog/2007/11/27/bryan-zmijewski-ceo-of-lucky-oliver-on-when-to-add-a-real-ceo/
  • http://www.skmurphy.com/blog/2007/05/04/founder-story-acquisition-integration-at-60-days/
  • http://www.skmurphy.com/blog/2007/10/11/founders-story-rick-munden-of-fmf-epiphyte/

What do attendees say about the group?


“Good mix of business experience with technical know-how and eager ‘new’ entrepreneurs.”

“This is the one networking event that I try to never miss. It is relaxed and fun and I always learn something. Well worth the time and a great place to network and learn.”

Great breakfast with the @bootstrappers group. Thx for advice on dev teams, hiring, etc. Most useful entrepreneurship mtgs in the bay. – Anne Kallus ?@akallus

“I’ve lived in several cities and have attended a number of meetups for entrepreneurs over the ten years that I’ve been active, but I’ve never engaged with a group that has been as valuable to me as the Bootstrappers’ Breakfast. The group really takes a genuine interest in what I am working on and consistently offers insightful food-for-thought and no-nonsense advice at each meeting.” Adam Starrh, co-founder Almond King Pvt. Ltd.

“Hi all, I am from Singapore and happened to be in SFO this month and decided to join the session. Met 3 great folks: Priyanka, Sasha and Tommy! Everyone shared openly on how I should go about trying to bring my startup to the US and I felt energized by the enthusiasm, hospitality and most of all openness to share best practices and learnings! I am grateful for the session and hope I can continue to learn from this group! Thanks much!” – Andrew Chai, founder of younnikly.com

Other attendees will all be in early stage technology startups, it will be a chance to compare notes on operational, development, and business issues with peers.

For more information about what Bootstrapper Breakfast meetings are like, check out: